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aTi-Inspired Best Practice Submission Form

Best Practices Worksheet
New Jersey Artist/Teacher Institute

Please answer the questions below by writing about the ideas, experiences, and approaches that you gained from being a part of aTi.
Answer the questions the best you can in a word processing document and then e-mail your Best Practice report including attached photos to for submission review.
The information and teacher research that you submit will become a valuable part of aTimpact under your name. aTimpact will serve as an arts resource, consisting of lesson projects, as well as an arts education advocacy resource, proving the success of these projects through teacher research data.

Best Practice Summary
Describe/ Summarize a project or lesson that you have taught or will teach inspired by your attendance at aTi. (See other aTi impact blog entries for examples.)

1. Lesson Summary- Description of project activities, how the project is innovative, and how the project promotes high student achievement:

2. List of Lesson Objectives:

3. NJ Standards Achieved (list of standards at

4. Assessment tool used for grading student learning:

Teacher Research Data-
Teacher Observations- Give an anecdote or story from your classroom experience for each of the goals listed below, proving that the goal was accomplished and list the method that you used to accomplish that goal with that student or group of students. Quotes can be directly written observations, journal entries, and paraphrased statements of students.

Example: Because I did __________ the student accomplished__________. He/she ______________________(give details).
(You must have student approval to include their last names and/or images).
Student Quotes- Interview students with a video camera asking them to self assess their accomplishment of the goals. (if they give incomplete statements ask "why" after each short response.) Transcribe a student quote showing accomplishment of each of the following goals.

1. Holistic Student Development/ Character Development/ Life Skills
    a. Teacher observations:
    b. Students quotes:

2. Development of Art Specific Skills
a. Teacher observations:
    b. Students quotes:

3. Development in Interdisciplinary Skills / Curriculum integration
a. Teacher observations:
    b. Students quotes:

4. Improvement of School Community- internally and externally
a. Teacher observations:
    b. Students quotes:

5. Professional Development
a. Teacher observations:
    b. Students quotes:

6. Write a quote linking your learning at aTi to these accomplishments.

7. Provide a summary of student grades (Qualitative data) showing how many students succeeded at accomplishing these goals (example: “90% of my students successfully accomplished the assessment standards involving art skills” or “More that 3/4 of the students achieved a score of 5 on a rubric scale of 1-5 in the writing lesson that our art project was integrated into.”

8. Attach to the e-mail 1-4 Photos of students working and 1-4 Photos of finished student art:

9. Include 1-2 Video Clips of students talking about what they learned through the art project. Host to and include the web link address to your youtube videos in the e-mail:

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