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Retired Art Teacher, (5th-8th Grade)
Logan Township Elementary School
Logan Township, New Jersey

Jeanne taught elementary school art (mostly grades 5 through 8) for 34 years before retiring in 2004. The majority of that time was spent at Logan Township Elementary School in Logan Township, Gloucester County, New Jersey where she continues to substitute and make herself available to lead art workshops for children and adults.

"I truly believe that the arts are a vital component in the education of our children. Art is one of the few times when students can put their knowledge to work along with allowing them to express their creativity."

Jeanne is also a painter and book artist. Her work has appeared in many juried shows and she has won several awards. Now that she's retired, she can dedicate more time to her personal work. Her interest in book arts started when she began to attend ATI as a result of several Artist-in-Education grants that Logan Township received. "I found the two weeks every summer to be such a stimulating experience that when I retired I continued to attend. I have learned so much from the instructors and the fellow attendees. When I was teaching I carried my new knowledge back to my classroom and I couldn’t wait to share what I had learned with my students and colleagues."

"I hope that my position as an ATI Fellow will allow me to spread the word about how wonderful the ATI experience is so other teachers and artists can benefit, too."

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