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Art Teacher, (3rd-6th Grade)
Lanning Square School
Camden, New Jersey

Kandy's teaching career began in 1972 when she graduated from Rowan with a degree in Art Education. She joined the Peace Corps with her husband, Greg, and taught health and science in the South Pacific. After returning to the United States, she taught art in Florence, NJ for four years.

The Artist/Teacher Institute (aTi) has energized her teaching. She has attended for several summers has gained different experiences in each session. "The intensive, ten days of learning, sharing, and creating fills my creativity cup. My students receive the gift of my refreshed enthusiasm for teaching and doing art. This 'summer camp' for adults stretches me. I work hard at classes, trying media and tools that I'm initially inexperienced with. I feel the same lack of confidence that my students feel when I push them to try new materials and techniques. I remember what it’s like to be a student again. I bring all these skills and ideas from aTi back to school with me in September. I'm ready to be a better teacher with more tools to work with because of my summer experiences."

Kandy is pleased and proud of the opportunity to participate as a fellow in the aTimpact Fellowship. Her hope is that I can share some of the ideas from this program with other staff members. "I believe that the arts can help children and adults learn with joy and enthusiasm. Problem solving, invention, collaboration, play—our kids need these skills to do better at tests and more importantly at life. I love aTi."

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