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Book Arts

Lesson summery: Books that are both sculptural as well as functional.
Students take ownership of this book that becomes a list of needed
vocabulary. To reinforce the definitions, students find pictures that
exemplify the words.

Flag Book, Single sheet, Acordian

Objectives: SWBA to create a textbook of definitions in a flagbook format.

SWBA to see a book as a sculpture.
SWBA to recognize a variety of book styles.
SWBA to evaluate the material they have in order to figure out the best way to format their presentation.

1.1.12 A
1.1.12 B
1.2.12 D
1.3.12 D
1.4.12 A
1.4.12 B
1.5.12 B

Ruberic - click here to see page with actual day by day plans, worksheets and vocabulary.

Acordian structure - We used this structure to create a graphic novel.
Block prints were used to make the illustrations.
Block print graphic novel examples are shown below.

A video of a Flag Book construction is also available at the end of the page.

1 comment:

lauratunis said...

Thanks for sharing all of your colorful & creative projects with us; they are an inspiration!