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Why can't I post this video?

I just want you all to know that I have tried to post that video at least twelve times. I click on the video icon and go through all the steps. Browse-Choose the file-Title it-Click I agree-and click upload video. I get the uploading video blogger box that tells me that my video will appear here when finished. uploading video spins and spins, but nothing ever appears. I think I lost poor Angelica out in space somewhere. Help!!!!!!

1 comment:

kandylippincott said...

I certainly don't have the answer but I getting frustrated by the lack of help from others on this blog. I do know that on snapfish, flickr and a few other video posting sites that I use, they have strict size and time length limits on videos.I still have not had success in transferring the recorded videos using the smart pen (pulse pen) that I used to post Alan's first lecture. Don't know why it won't work and I've also tried literly dozens of times. With the pulse pen situation I am sure I've got some kind of a glitch in my system that is getting in the way of success but with posting normal videos surely SOMEONE on this blog knows some answers. Kandy Lippincott