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Value Collage

Lesson summary: Values created by newspaperprint become the values used to create a collage.

Objectives: SWBA to collect a variety of values.

SWBA to asssess the use of these values to make the work look 3D.

CCCS 1.1.12 A

1.2.12 D

1.3.12 D

1.4.12 A & B

1.5.12 A & B

Students recieve a copy of my lesson plans with the breakdown of daily progress & pace chart along with the grading ruberic. Students are also responsible for a completed critique to be turned in with the project.

To view the worksheets, lesson plan & critique for this project click here.

Seperation of the graphite drawing & the collage created more successful results with each as a

finished piece of work.


1. & 2. When both projects are done side by side, students have a better understanding of value and how to creat them.


4. During public displays of student work (Teen Arts Festival, End of the year art exhibit & 3rd Friday displays in Millville) parents can often be heard marveling about the realism of this project.


6. Barbara Bullock's collage class has allowed our minds to include various collage forms.

7. A Majoriety of the students enjoy completing this project. Very often having strong opinions which they like better, the graphite or collage.

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