Click on any category below to see aTi Best Practices you can use in your classroom.

Improve School Community- internally and externally

-Beautifying the school environment

-improving students’ respect and responsibility for school property
-initiating the dialogue and teamwork that leads to a caring
relationship between students, teachers, and staff.
-Improving school moral- School Spirit, Teacher Enthusiasm,
Renewal and Revitalization.
-Improving relations with the community and community
-Initiating professional development and turnkey learning

“The finished books were on display during the "Family Art Night". Parents and the community in general were invited to view the results of all of the books that were made by all class levels in addition to participating in many art activities overseen by the students. The local paper sent a reporter. We had a great turnout and many positive comments.”
Jeanne Jablonski, 4th grade Art

"This was one of the best field trips of my high school career. I loved visiting the senior citizens, taking a picture of my relative Art Morison, and then creating a linoleum block print of the photo (see below). I gave copies of the print to my family members and they loved them."
Alessia Dotro, middle school student

“An eighth grade student expressed a desire to make a serious book that they would be able to keep as a souvenir from Mt.Vernon. Later during the school year, the same students made a more structured book-using student made marbleized paper and glued on jewelry.”
Lonnie Stewart-Austin, grades 4-8 Art

“I learned a lot of techniques for brain storming with a lot of very talented Artists and Teachers.”
Pat Marinaro, Elementary art teacher

“I got some really great work from their enthusiastic participation. The students can’t wait to come back in september. In fact they are working on projects over the summer.”
Betty Providenti, High School Art teacher

“The art teacher and what he or she does is of priceless value to both educating the whole child and bringing in good PR to the school”
Kandy Lipincott, elementary art teacher

“The impact of aTi will, I’m, sure, reveal itself in unimaginable ways for years to come. My aTi experience has made me a more sociable, patient and thoughtful individual than I was before.”
Gary J. Whitehead, English Teacher
Tenafly High School, Tenafly, NJ

“Working in an inner city school with children of extreme diverse situations provides me with the fuel that helps me return to the aTi experience. The teachers and my peers help to solve problems you can experience in the classroom as well as share school lessons of success! ”
Alonzrea Stewart-Austin, Art Teacher
Mt.Vernon School, Newark, NJ

“During the residency I gave an in-service to the faculty and staff. The subject was very easy book structures that they can use in their classroom. Most of these books I learned at ATI. The next day I had a third grader seek me out and asked me to visit his classroom. When I did the class proudly showed me the envelop books they had made for a science lesson. Their teacher had showed them how to make the books after attending the professional development workshop.”
Jeanne Jablonski, 4th grade Art

“(Through the art class) Students in the regular classroom see that students with disabilities have creative talent. I believe this makes an impact on the school as a whole, students and teachers. They begin to think on different terms about what my students are able to accomplish. After displaying student Big Books, a Kindergarten teacher from a general education class came upstairs to ask me how I was able to get my students to write and make these books. She actually took notes.”
Leigh MacKelvey, Special Education Teacher

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