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Welcome To aTimpact!

About aTimpact
Created for teachers by teachers, welcome to a rich resource containing innovative Best Practices in arts immersion and arts integration inspired by participants who have attended the New Jersey Artist/Teacher Institute.

About the New Jersey Artist/Teacher Institute

Co-sponsored by The New Jersey State Council on the Arts and Arts Horizons and now in its 35th season, The Artist/Teacher Institute (aTi) provides classroom teachers, administrators, students and artists with in-depth, hands-on experiences in a variety of art forms that encourage professional growth and discovery. By expanding their creativity, participants learn new skills to integrate arts into their curriculum and professional practice while connecting with a community of peers. Led by internationally renowned master teaching artists, aTi workshops include book arts, creative movement, music, glass and oil painting, playwriting, printmaking, storytelling, acting/improv, collage, poetry and memoir.

The Development of aTimpact:
Funded by the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation, aTimpact is a free online resource for aTi alumni providing best practices for effective arts immersion and arts integration projects, ideas, and lessons inspired by a teacher's transformative experience at aTi.

A teacher's experience at aTi is re-energizing, refreshing, and a source of creative renewal. Armed with new ideas, skills, and techniques, teachers return to their classrooms inspired to apply what they have learned in their workshops and from their peers. In 2008 a select group of dedicated aTi Fellows met throughout the year to document these applications and research their impact on students, teachers, administrators, and the community.

Teacher applications in the form of actual projects, ideas, lesson summaries and lesson plans used in the classroom were evaluated by the Fellows and deemed a Best Practice if they achieved the following goals:

- Development in Interdisciplinary Skills and Curriculum Integration

- Holistic Student Development/Character Development/Life Skills
- Development of Art Specific Skills
- Improvement School Community- internally and externally
- Professional Development

Surveys completed by ATi participants over the years show that 100% of them felt that the information, activities, techniques, and art experiences they had at ATi would be used in their teaching and would have a good impact on their creating better lessons incorporating the approaches of Master teaching Artists.

A worksheet is posted to the right that allows future aTi graduates the structure to present their Best Practices Lessons in Art.

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